Thursday, April 3, 2008

Friday random thoughts...

• Every development has its problems: Building in the Bow Tie area might be a better option than Tracy Hills or Ellis, but first it needs to be cleaned up. The Bow Tie is contaminated, and it could take millions of dollars to have it comply with residential safety standards.

• Maybe this guy should pick up a rifle: President Bush, for saying that he's "a little envious" of the men and women fighting the "romantic" wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Too bad he didn't think Vietnam was quite as nice.

• Me rite gud: California students evidently aren't improving on writing tests like their national peers. The bright side for a journalist? More job security!

• Are regional rail improvements anywhere on the agenda? The annual One Voice delegation to Congress is headed out soon to plead the case for the county's transportation needs.

• Whatever happened to dirigibles? Between airlines canceling flights for safety reasons, the baggage snafu at London Heathrow and FAA failtures, I'm very confident regarding my upcoming transatlantic flight.

• Pointless Coverage of the Week Award: If this is your top story, it's time to quite calling yourself a journalist. I'm looking at you, Fox (Might Contain Actual) News and CNN.

• Calvin and Hobbes quote of the week: "I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life ... procrastinating and rationalizing."

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