Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday random thoughts

We're breaking out the old Random Thoughts format again, since we've been shortchanging readers a bit on the blog lately. So, without further ado...

• The trail of destruction widens: As the list of allegations against Melissa C. Huckaby grows (and grows and grows), we get a picture of a very troubled woman. As if we didn't suspect it already.

• It's all coming together now: When the newsroom first heard the above-linked story of the man Huckaby allegedly poisoned — the guy who passed out in the McDonald's drive-through — we just thought it was the Dumbest. Driver. Ever. We think differently now.

• Why I'm afraid of the 1,600-home Ellis development, instance 107: The recent rash of letters to the editor complaining about plane traffic near the airpot. The complaints won't get better with more houses.

• Set your clocks for 10 a.m. Tuesday: When the state Supreme Court will issue its ruling on Proposition 8. (Lead-pipe-cinch prediction: many people will not be happy with the ruling.)

• What a concept: Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani, talking candidly about how much budget cuts suck.

• Slowly edging closer to balance: A court ruled that people as well as fish must be considered when talking about how much water is exported from the Delta. Now if they would just also be forced to include those subsidized crops and water...

• Calvin and Hobbes quote of the week: "In my opinion, we don't dedicate nearly enough scientific research for finding a cure for jerks."

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