Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Web site and other snafus

Over the weekend, increased traffic to crashed the servers, and the new Web site -- that soon will indeed be improved over its predecessor -- for now lacks several components of the old one.

Including the links to this blog.

There will still be new posts and fresh content on the Second Thoughts blog, but things won't quite return to normal around here until the Press Web site is fully functional.

But if you haven't noticed, there were no posts Monday and Tuesday. That slack is for one simple reason:

I have staples in my head. Twelve of them.

The Rustbucket died in a quite-spectacular crash on Santa Cruz County's Highway 17 that ended with it upside down on the roadway. Luckily, my E-ticket ride ended with only a head laceration, and no one else was involved. Sadly, the car didn't make it out nearly as well as I did.

But no fear! Expect the Second Thoughts column for this week to publish as normal on Saturday and for the blog to be updated periodically.


Care said...

Oh JON, am I ever glad to hear from you via "Second Thoughts." My First Thought ~ YOU, for goodness sakes! I'm so glad you are alright. I googled hwy 17 fender-benders last night but to no avail.

Avoid magnetic force with the metal in your head and you'll be fine. Sorry about the vintage mustang. She was a sweet one!

God bless you ~ care

Nick D said...

Glad to hear your okay Jon! That's a brutal place to get into an accident. Luckily for you the car took most the damage!

I will admit, I'm thankful it was not me who had to deal with tech support for the website those last few nights, as days gone by.

In fact, I was almost half expecting a phone call from you or someone else at the TP asking for help!