Saturday, November 8, 2008

Really, there is cause for optimism

If anyone thought today's column was overly negative, that wasn't the intent.

There are real problems in Tracy, however, and a real change of direction is needed. Building more houses and dedicating limited resources to that kind of development does not make sense in the current climate. Pretending that isn't the case won't help.

Yes, eventually, we will need more houses. But that eventually is not now. And the priorities of the City Council must reflect that reality.

I'm an optomist about Tracy. I think that with the right decisions and foresight, this good community populated by great people can become even better.

But the betterment of a family, neighborhood, city, state or country often requires adjustments of trajectory. Tracy is in need of one of those right now.

I also think that our elected officials — long-sitting though some of them are — have more than enough ability to accomplish that. I know that some of them have the desire.

The question is, will they actually do it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, Jon. We need a little optimism!