Thursday, July 5, 2007

Friday random thoughts...

• Lounging in my parents' backyard Wednesday night listening to firecrackers, it sounded like some sort of urban war zone. You know, without the fear of impending death.

• Some things don't change: Read the "Twice Told Tales" in Friday's Tracy Press. The description of the Fourth of July festivities of 10 years ago could well have described this Wednesday's celebration.

• Nothing turns a punish-the-criminals Republican into a bleeding-heart liberal like actually being in the crosshairs of justice. Funny how that happens.

• Saturday is 07-07-07, and it's a boon for the wedding industry. It's predicted to be -- by far -- the biggest wedding day of the year. And I thought sevens were supposed to be lucky.

• The recent statement that toxic runoff might be responsible for the decline in Delta smelt shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows the sad state of our waterways. Hopefully it's something that can be looked into -- and solved -- quickly, so the smelt can live and so water pumping can resume for the summer.

• Random thought of the week: "If I'd still consider playing golf, it's not really that hot out."

• Calvin and Hobbes quote of the week: "It's a tradition that when you harangue the multitudes, you stand on a soap box." "You'd probably be more impressive if you stood on the soap."

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