Friday, July 2, 2010

Bankruptcy — what it means, and what it doesn't

In the Calling a Spade a Spade Department, the Tracy Press Inc. — which publishes the Tracy Press newspaper — has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

What this means is that the company has a chance to reorganize its financial house and plan a path back to a stronger financial position.

What it doesn't mean is that the Tracy Press is shutting down.

The Tracy Press will continue publishing in print every Friday and on the Web at every day. We're still going to be here in the newsroom tracking down the stories that matter to this community.

As we said when we went to a once-a-week print publishing schedule: We're part of this city, and we're not going anywhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Declaring bankruptcy is usually a difficult issue. Where must one begin? What sorts of bankruptcy should a individual apply for? How will the up to date bankruptcy laws affect one’s case? What will be the effects of a bankruptcy processing? You only have one chance, hence it's really essential that you've it best at the initial try. This genuinely is why selecting the right bankruptcy lawyers
is necessary.