Thursday, March 15, 2007

Friday random thoughts...

• On Tuesday, a Tracy Press editorial quip called a Democratic Party plan to give workers 7 garaunteed sick days a year "anti-business." I never realized keeping employees healthy, happy and productive was "anti-business."

• The Press was paid a visit this week by South Dakotan "Care" MacMurchy. Hanging around someone who's happy not to be buried in two feet of snow really made me appreciate the beautiful spring-like weather we're having.

• A double high-five to Jim Bush, member of Heartland Church and the Tracy Fire Department chaplain, for offering his phone number (830-7275) and services to those affected by the Sycamore Village Apartment fire. That's taking the golden rule to a wonderful place.

• Tracy wants a sports park, a college, a grand Grand Theatre, and all the other hallmarks of a "top-teir" city. But has anyone thought about how Tracy's infrastructre, already strained by too many people and too many cars, is going to handle these grandiose next steps?

• Irony of the week: U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales claims responsibility for mistakes in prosecutorial firings but forces one of his subordinates to step down. Does the buck stop anywhere in the Bush administration besides with "someone else"?

• "I want you to be clear here: Don't be dropping it at the president's door," White House press secretary Tony Snow said Friday. Don't worry Mr. Snow, President Bush hasn't taken real responsibility for any of his failures in office. We wouldn't expect him to start now.

• Seems unclear thinking is epidemic in the Bush administration: First "Scooter" Libby couldn't recall his conversations regarding a CIA leak. Now the White House claims its high-ranking officials have "hazy memories" that prevent them from recalling exactly how federal prosecutors came to be fired for political reasons.

• Closer to profits: Halliburton is moving to Dubai. Coincidence that a new Bush-supported Iraq draft bill would make all oil wells and fields discovered in the future available to private energy firms? Maybe it's just too much to expect Halliburton to pay U.S. taxes after gaining record profits on the back of all those U.S. government no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq and administer Walter Reed's outpatient program.

• Randomest thought of the week: "Almost anything is edible if you slather enough butter on it."

• Calvin & Hobbes quote of the week: "People never focus on one thing to enjoy it or do it well. ... We focus on doing nothing at all."

••• Calling all alert readers! Let me know you're there! Send your quips and quirky quotes to or leave them as a comment on this blog. •••


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm on the traffic thing - last night my son had soccer tryouts at the sports complex and I had meeting on the east side of Tracy.... 20 minutes to get there, what if he had been at the antennae farm - a 30 minute drive?
How about a loop around the city like San Antonio has?

Anonymous said...

It just might come to that...

Erdos56 said...

It's unclear to me whether the Halliburton move is a tax escape. Some others really have done that, but H. plans to remain a US corp incorporated in tax-friendly Delaware. Now if they could just return that contested $2b overcharge...

Anonymous said...

I like the random thoughts, Jon. Especially about MacMurchy's visit!